MA Architecture Private: Welcome to MORE 2022

Nasser Golzari (Course Leader), Krystallia Kamvasinou, Filip Visnjic
Andreas Christodoulou, Beth Cullen, Davide Deriu, Maja Jovic, Prajakta Kalamkar, Iman Keaik, Dirk Lellau, Samir Pandya, Yara Sharif

THE ARCHITECTURE MA course offers a dynamic and unique programme on advanced postgraduate study, combining a high level of design and theoretical investigation with innovative representational methods and critical approaches to contemporary discourses on the subjects of design and theory. The programme is holistic, encouraging strategic re-thinking of habitation at the scale of the city/neighbourhood. Taking theories and design practices in socio-environmental ecologies or issues of globalisation and identity into consideration, students engaging in conceptual and technical explorations of re- designing habitation at macro- and micro-scales.

The different modules on offer encourage alternative modes of study and creative methods in design, representation and research.The course team of academics and practitioners offers full skills and intellectual support for students to develop their own thesis subject which concludes in a design or written thesis project, promoting live projects and collaboration with clients, be they individuals, institutions or municipalities.

The MA Architecture enables specialisation in architecture design or theory through its three pathways: Cultural Identity and Globalisation; Digital Media; and History and Theory. Alternatively, there is an option for students to select and combine relevant modules that meet their personal interests for their career development, subject to course entry requirements and personal circumstances. The course also offers distinct student awards, including Jila Golzari for outstanding achievement in one academic year, and Weston Williamson + Partners for outstanding Thesis Design offering monetary and working in practice prizes. The awards are announced at the exhibition marking the end of the academic year.

Guest Critics:

Philip Breese, Danilo Bulatovic, Simon Cole, Andreas Christodoulou, Richard Difford, Katrina Galea, Charlotte Khatso, Kate Jordan, Rim Kalsum, Katarzyna-Kasia Kwiatkowska, Angelikie Sakellariou


Constantino Pitsillides
Kristin Sharpe
Emrullah Sonmez
Mahmood Tantwala
Jobayer Ullah
Nahal Vahdatisal
Yan Yan
William Zeng