Lecture-based Modules

Architectural Practice Management

This module is delivered as an intensive short course in January with a written examination held in May. The 12 lectures cover general management, marketing and practice management, as well as managing health and safety, different forms of architectural practice and the role of the professional and regulatory bodies. 

English Law, Regulations, Construction Procurement, and Contracts

This module is delivered as a programme of evening lectures from September to December with a written examination held in January. The module starts with an overview of the English legal system, the regulatory framework that architectural practitioners work with, the procurement of construction projects, the range of contracts used in practice and dispute resolution. Throughout the course students are encouraged to place the issues covered in the context of their practice as well as other experience they will have had.

MORE is a part of Open Studio project run by the School of Architecture + Cities at the University of Westminster to make its design, research and practice-based work available online while it is happening.

University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Reg no. 977818 England.