Critical Subjects Spring Architecture School | Competition submissions by Thursday, November 16, 2023

To attend, please send your competition submission by 16 November 2023


This event takes place on 8-9th February 2024 in London. 

Cost: £20 (students). Includes hostel accommodation for the duration, breakfasts, materials, certificates, networks, tote bag, (potential) prizes, etc.

This short course is for architecture & design students, as well as graduate architects & designers.

See below (and attached poster).



“Critical Subjects: Spring Architecture & Design School” in central London
Entry submissions are due by 16 November 2023 

Details on How to Enter, here. 


To win a place you need to submit a 2-minute (max) video of architectural critique – to arrive by 16 November – that addresses ONE of the following provocations:

• Should we build on the Greenbelt?


• Whatever happened to the Space Age?


• We need fewer architects, more builders.

Videos must present a cogent, critical, persuasive argument on one of those topics; whatever side you take. Submissions will be judged by a respected, international jury of architects, academics and designers.*

Send ENTRIES to:


Costs for the 2-day school: £27 total (£20 student concessionary rate) that includes the 2-day school, hostel accommodation and breakfast, materials, certificates and (potential) prizes.

Day 1 (8th February 2024): A day of debates at AHMM offices

Evening debate: “Global Futures” at BDP offices

Day 2 (9th February 2024): A day of making at Heatherwick Studio

Full details here:

Please forward to your students and network. It would be appreciated!

*Judges include:

Will Hunter, senior researcher, MIT & founder, London School of Architecture

Glenn Howells, partner, Howells

Andrew Nahum, principal curator of Technology and Engineering, The Science Museum

Alex Lifschutz, director, Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands

Alan Dunlop, director, Alan Dunlop Architect

Simon Allford, PRIBA & founder AHMM

Kim Quazi, director, Arup

Stefanie Schneider, UN Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme

Benjamin Spaeth, professor of Digital Design, Technische Hochschule Lübeck

Zhanet Mishineva, project architect, Clive Chapman Architects

Robert Adam, architect/writer

Azhar Azhar, founder, Azhar Architecture

Darryl Chen, Urban Design lead, Hawkins Brown

Patrik Schumacher, principal, Zaha Hadid Architects

Simhika Rao, associate director, HebHomes, Glasgow

Xing Ruan, dean, School of Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

… additional names on the website

Call for Abstracts: “Repurposing places for social and environmental resilience” | International Conference 2023, London | UEL, Arup, Counterarchitecture | Deadline: September 5, 2022

When: 23rd and 24th of March 2023

Where: Arup, 8-13 Fitzroy St, London W1T 4BQ, UK 

Whilst 20th century was mostly about starchitects, 21st century is about synergies and the relevant complex dynamics that these allow to grow. This shift happens in parallel to others; reusing, retrofitting, and giving a new life to the existing places, buildings and neighbourhoods, in an environmentally and socially resilient manner, developing ways for the existing communities to grow in a symbiotic relationship with new ones, designing processes of circular economy and upcycling, which allow people to collaborate and find viable solutions. Participation in architecture is a notion that continuously evolves, even more so in recent years. Knowledge and innovation that contributes to social justice and responsible design practices, emerges from complex networks and agile cross-disciplinary collaborations. 

In this context, this conference aims to discuss the link between social and environmental resilience, by looking into designed projects, cross-disciplinary research and investigations, participatory and collaborative design methods. It welcomes architects, designers, artists, planners, academics, educators, who have addressed some of the above themes through their work. Projects on adaptation and retrofitting of places in an environmentally and socially responsible way, as well as participatory projects, are particularly welcome. It also welcomes presentations of ongoing projects and collaborations, which will drive the relevant conversations forward. 

Indicative topics

Topic 1: Designed and built projects that address the conference theme. 

Topic 2: Critical analysis of case studies and places in relation to the conference theme. 

Topic 3: New approaches to participation and mapping, in the context of architecture, arts, urbanism, social sciences. 

Topic 4: Educational briefs and student projects that address the conference theme.  

Keynote speakers

Simon Allford, RIBA Director  

Anna Minton 

Prof Doina Petrescu 

Alex Scott-Whitby 

The conference is co-organised by the UEL, Counterarchitecture, Arup. 

Conference organisers: Dr Anastasia Karandinou (UEL, Counterarchitecture), Florence Lam (Arup) 

Advisory Committee: Prof Hassan Abdalla, Carl Callaghan, Alan Chandler, Prof Richard Coyne, Prof Gail Findlay, Prof David Tann, Dr Julie Wall 

Organising Committee: Dr Deborah Benros, Christian Groothuizen, Dr Debra Shaw, Catalina Pollak, Clare Penny 

Scientific Committee: Prof Ela Aral, Dr Aghlab Al-Attili, Pauline Desouza, Dr Angelique Edmonds, Prof Heba Elsarkawy, Prof Ozlem Erkarslan, Armor Gutierrez, Prof Luisa Maria Gutierrez, Dr Arman Hashemi, Carsten Jungfer, Prof Roland Karthaus, Prof Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira, Prof Anastasios Maragiannis, Dr Kat Martindale,  Dr Anna Mavrogianni, Prof Rosa Mendosa, Fernanda Palmieri, Sowmya Parthasarathy, Melina Philippou, Prof Christine Schwaiger, Dr Sally Shahzad, Dr Renee Tobe, Amanda Wanner

Deadline for abstract submission: September 5, 2022